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The MAPS Medicaid Unwinding Playbook: Using Technology to Manage Medicaid Patient Populations

February 22, 2024
OA Editorial Team
August 2, 2023
The MAPS Medicaid Unwinding Playbook

In December 2022, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CCA) as part of the omnibus bill. The CCA delinked Medicaid from the 2020 Public Health Emergency (PHE), revoking the continuous coverage requirement and returning the Medicaid re-enrollment process to “normal.” States will gradually lose their extra Medicaid funding and will now need to continually evaluate and enroll Medicaid patients every 12 months.  

There are several immediate steps your organization can take to minimize lapses in patient coverage and manage the impending wave of self-pay patients throughout unwinding. Learn tips and tricks for success in the MAPS Medicaid Unwinding Playbook, downloadable for free here.

The playbook includes strategies for leveraging data and technology to help your team successfully navigate the unwinding process. Topics include:

  • Better understanding your Medicaid population
  • Enhancing patient outreach through digital means
  • Strategies for engaging patients at risk of losing coverage
  • Assessing external vendor management
  • Managing the impending wave of self-pay patients 

Click here to download your free copy of The MAPS Medicaid Unwinding Playbook: Using Technology to Manage Medicaid Patient Populations and learn how automation and data intelligence tools can boost your team’s ability to help eligible patients maintain coverage while managing an anticipated increase in self-pay encounters - now and into the future.

OA Editorial Team


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